Monday, March 14, 2011

They Say You'll Always Remember Your First.

I started this blog back on March 14, 2011. I wanted a place to jot down some thoughts, capture recipes and anything else that I wanted to put out into the blogosphere. My aim was to start getting healthy again and loving myself by living a more active and healthful lifestyle.

So far, so good. :)
Here's the post I made back in March 2011...

Here I am, laying in bed next to my snoring David. As he rests, I decided now was the time for me to explore my own blog. My very first attempt. Today, this blog is completely, unabashedly, self-serving. I am hoping that by contributing to it and jotting down thoughts and ideas as they come up, I'll be taking the first step towards learning to love myself again.

Hi, I'm Lizzie.